Easy Readings for Spanish Beginners Free Lesson Plan on Pen Pals

Bonjour. The site, for students and teachers of French, offers a host of activities and resources.

Casa de Joanna: Spanish Activities and Casa de Joanna: French Activities On-and off-line activities for middle and high school Spanish and French classes. Also included are lesson plans and printable worksheets.

C.B. Putnam's Home Page Foreign Language Teaching on the Internet: Resources with Teaching Activities. Teaching activities and materials for French, German, Italian and Spanish classes.

Cooperative Learning in Modern Languages. Pete Jones, Head of Modern Languages at the Pine Ridge Secondary School in Ontario (Canada), presents lessons useful for creating a student-centered language class. Print them out. Some will give you instant lesson plans for your next day's class. Several of the activities are available for languages other than French.

Decouvrons le Canada. Pete Jones and his team of teachers has brought together close to 900 links to Canada, all in French. The site also features scavenger hunts for students based on ite various Web pages.

Especially Español. Lesson plans and online activities for elementary, middle and high school levels. Additional resources are also included.

Foreign Language Electronic Fieldtrips (LETSNet). Developed by a collaborative team at Michigan State University, the site provides teachers and students with online units. Each lesson within the unit contains: a brief description, objectives, materials and resources, activity description, and Internet resources.

Hot Internet Sites en Español! This is an internet hotlist of Spanish resources created by Beth Bustamante and appropriate for K-Community College. Teachers will find resources for students who are native speakers as well as for students learning Spanish as a foreign language. Included are lesson plans and activities for use with or without a computer.

Internet Activities for Foreign Language Classes. Lesson plans for web sites created for German, French, and Spanish classes. They were written by participants in the Tech Strand of the California Foreign Language Project Summer Seminar at University of California at Santa Barbara. The sites were designed to be used as worksheets for the students to complete while accessing the corresponding reference web sites online.

Jim Becker's Home Page A good source of online activities and resources for several foreign languages including French, Spanish, German, Russian, Japanese and Chinese.

Latinteach Classroom Ideas and Projects. Ideas and projects for teaching Latin presented by teachers.

Lesson Ideas Para La Clase. Lesson Ideas Para La Clase, from TeachSpanish.Com, includes lesson Ideas (K-12), Spanish-speaking country information, a Teacher Job Search, hundreds of links to teacher resources, teacher web sites, student hot spots, Latin/Spanish music sites, schools & study abroad, and a teacher and student discussion board.

Mini Lesson Plans for Foreign Language Websites. Links to more than 200 mini lesson plans based on websites dealing with a number of foreign language topics. The lesson plans were created by participants from Illinois State University. Teachers from around the world are urged to contribute plans of their own.

miscositas.com. Features virtual picturebooks in English, French and Spanish with lesson plans. The site also contains games and realia as well as links to additional resources. K-5 English-Spanish bilingual teachers and ESL or foreign language teachers at the secondary level can click on español or English Multicultural to find appropriate materials. Foreign language teachers of French click on français.

Mrs. McConnell's Super Spanish Web Site. Teacher Jennifer McConnell offers teacher resources including lesson plans, student activities, a parent connection, and a message board.

Planning a Day in Paris. Amanda Lafleur and Sandy Labry have prepared this online lesson plan for French classes using the internet. The plan is appropriate for French II in grades 9-12.

600 mini lesson plans for foreign languages. This site contains links to nearly 600 mini lesson plans based on websites dealing with a number of foreign language topics. Most of the lesson plans were created by the nearly fifty participants from throughout the U.S. who were participants in the the "Foreign Languages Resources on the Internet" class that was offered from Illinois State University via the Internet in Summer 1997, Summer 1998, and Fall 1999.

Spanish Online Workbook. Gary Aitken has recently developed an electronic workbook, designed to accompany Arriba!, an introductory Spanish textbook published by Prentice Hall. The workbook, which can be used with other introductory texts, provides a game-like environment containing some 800, full-colour drawings which invite students to participate in interactive language activities.

Taller hispano. Taller hispano, por Jean W. LeLoup, es un lugar donde puedes explorar todo un mundo hispanohablante que existe en paralelo al tuyo. Cada uno de los siguientes módulos trata un tópico de la cultura hispana moderna. Las actividades de cada módulo incluyen la exploración de la red electrónica, la investigación de materias auténticas del mundo hispano, varios trabajos interactivos y escritos, y el conocimiento de varias personas hispanohablantes.

Teach Spanish: Lesson Ideas. Select Lesson Ideas to find lesson plans suitable for elementary, middle school and high school students of Spanish.

Toque el nombre del alumno para leer su adivinanza. Laura Dominguez-Yon, teacher at Cupertino High, Sunnyvale, (California) taught her Spanish language students html in the target language and then required them to post their assignment on the Web. Check her site to view the results.

World Language Lesson Plans. The site includes lesson plans and activities for ESL/EFL, Spanish, German, French, Latin, and more.

Algunos Lugares en Español. Aquí tienen algunos lugares en el Internet donde se puede encontrar información en español. La mayoría son de México, de Centro América o de Sud América. An English version is available.

AltaVista Translation Service. Enter text or a URL to have it translated into another language.

American Association of Teachers of French. Encourages and assists in the study of French through its 75 chapters and its two official publications: the French Review and the National Bulletin. The What's New at AATF includes links to other sites of interest to teachers of French.

American Classical League (ACL) Home Page.American Classical League (ACL) includes teachers of Latin, Greek, and Classics on elementary, secondary, and college levels. The ACL Web site contains information on teaching materials, scholarships, and teacher placement.

American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages (ACTFL) American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages (ACTFL) is the professional association that represents teachers of all languages at all educational levels. The ACTFL site contains information on a variety of topics, including professional development programs, proficiency testing publications, and job opportunities.

Amigos. Amigos is a place for ethnically diverse middle school and high school students, parents, teachers and interested adults to share stories, swap experiences, find information or ask questions. Spanish and English versions available.

An Online In-service Course for Training Foreign Language Teachers in Internet Technologies. The site is designed to help Foreign Language classroom teachers adapt and use communications technology in their K-12 classrooms and to design and share ideas with others.

AP Advanced Placement Program. The site, provided by the College Board Online, provides tips for teachers and students, information about AP classes and exams, and related Web sites for all AP subjects including French, German and Spanish.

Basic Spanish for the Virtual Student. Learn Spanish from 50+ modules covering pronunciation, nouns, verbs, adjectives, adverbs, pronouns, and other themes.

Beginner Level Japanese Course Home Page.An interactive Japanese language course. Lessons include a variety of multisensory aids emphasizing reading, writing, speaking and listening.

Blue Web'n Learning Applications. Provided by Pacific Bell, it includes lessons, activities, projects, resources, references and tools. Scroll to Applications Table,Foreign Language.

Canadian Association of Second Language Teachers. The site includes online activities for ESL and French as a second language students; articles on second language teaching written by researchers or by experienced second language teachers; an expanding list of links to second language related web sites with brief reviews of their content; a listing of conferences available for those involved in second language teaching; and a forum for second language teachers.

Canadian Languages Network. A database of resources for a variety of languages.

Casa de Joanna. Suitable for middle and high school teachers, the site includes French and Spanish language websites to explore, French and Spanish activities, French and Spanish language search engines and portals, web guides, link collections to support other language study, Spanish Web-based activities and resources on technology implementation, access to professional organizations and journals, and software information and consulting services.

C.B. Putnam's Spanish Page. A variety of resources for the teacher including Spanish language magazines and catalogs on the Internet, Spanish language pen pals and online forums, foreign language art and literature projects, and foreign language test preparation (SAT and AP).

Chinese Language Related Information Page. Links to resources which include viewing and listening to Chinese on the Web, Chinese language study courses, Chinese educational software, and Chinese language radio broadcasts.

Chinese on the Internet. Learn Chinese on the Internet. Provided by WellGot, Inc, the site includes: Let's Learn Some Chinese!, Mandarin Phonetic Symbols, Chinese Fortune Telling, Try your fortune today!, Chinese Related Links, and Language Exchange Program

Civilization française. Developed by Marie Ponterio, it consists of online teaching modules, which include original images, audiocues, and digital videos. The modules are based on a wide range of topics such as cuisine, culture, social change, school, economy, Europe, holidays, family life, housing, history, religion, social security, symbols, transportation and vacation.

CLA Language Center (Spanish).. The site, sponsored by the University of Minnesota, includes graphics, sounds, online newspapers, geography and travel, newsgroups, mailing lists, and literature art and humanities.

ClicNet. Bienvenue à ClicNet, un annuaire de ressources francophones. ClicNet localise ou édite des ressources virtuelles en français sur des sujets variés pour les étudiants, les enseignants de français langue étrangère et tous ceux qui aiment le français. Et maintenant à vous de jouer No English version is available.

Clip Art Collection for Foreign/Second Language Instruction. A series of hand-drawn pictures illustrating verbs, adjectives, and common nouns that teachers can print out and use in the classroom.

Coleman's Websites for Hispanists. Features a list of websites put together by Sheryl Coleman for students and instructors of the Spanish language, and for anyone wanting to know more about the Spanish-speaking world. The site includes links to learning and teaching, information about programs of study, newspapers online from Spanish speaking countries, Hispanic culture, email lists and penpal sources and more.

Cultura de los Andes. Music, photos, poems and stories from the Andes mountain region of South America (in Spanish and the Quechua indian language).

CyberSchool. Study foreign languages online. Any student, anywhere in the world, can participate in CyberSchool, provided they have access to a computer, an Internet connection, and browser software. CyberSchool is a self supporting program which charges students $300.00 per semester course. They have many "on-line" courses at this website.

CyberSpanglish. The site, developed by Yolanda Rivas, University of Texas (Austin), provides teachers and students with a list of approximately 650 computer terms in English with their Spanish equivalent.

Dave's French Links. The site provides links to French literature, tours of France, other languages, a search engine, and topical links to: French News Media Sites, French Magazines, French Newspapers, French Radio and TV Resources, French Health and Medicine Resources, Francophone Banking and Financial Resources, French Native and Minority Language Resources, French Mathematics Resources, and French Musical Resources.

EDFrançais. Activities, the arts, music, visuals, cuisine and more for those learning the French language.

Educational Standards and Curriculum Frameworks for Foreign Language/ESL. An annotated list of Internet sites with K-12 educational standards and curriculum frameworks documents, maintained by Charles Hill and the Putnam Valley Schools in New York.

Education Index: Language Resources. Language resources include: Spanish, French, Japanese, Chinese, English, German and Welsh.

El Balcón. El Balcón es una publicación dirigida a los estudiantes y maestros de español como lengua extranjera y, en general, a todas las personas que están interesadas en nuestro idioma.

Elementary Spanish Curriculum (K-8). Teacher Leslie Veen provides elementary school teachers of Spanish with a Curriculum Guide for grades K-8 which includes goals, vocabulary, cultural awareness, listening-speaking-reading-and writing skills, and guidelines for teachers.

EspanOle. The site was created by Susan Seraphine-Kimel of Astronaut High School in Florida. Includes Spanish literature, arts, music, people, history, foods, and countries.

Ètienne French Educational Music. Étienne is Steven Langlois a French teacher with the Perth County Board of Education. Check out the songs that allow students to grasp and never forget important structures such as Être, Avoir, Aller, -ER and -IR verbs, adjectives, question words, rooms of the house--music that has students rockin' and hip hoppin' in French classrooms across Canada.

Euskara Hutsezko Web Oria. Basque language page with narrations, songs, poetry and more. The site is produced in Basque.

Fairy Tales by the Grimm Brothers. The Foreign Language Department of the Virginia Commonwealth University presents online tales from the Grimm brothers in both German and English versions, along with a selection of illustrations from 19th-century editions. To check your understanding of the stories in German, many are accompanied by a quiz.

Fast and Friendly French for Fun. Fast and Friendly French for Fun is an online interactive ThinkQuest Project by Amy Deal, Gregory Smith, and Jaclyn Streich geared for the middle school level. There's a guided tour of the site; a Geography, People, and Food tour of France; a set of introductory lessons, including All-Purpose Phrases; and a game.
Federal Resources for Educational Excellence. Hundreds of teaching and learning resources from more than 30 federal agencies. Search the resources or see them listed by subject including Foreign Languages.

For Students of Languages. The site provides links to general language resources as well as to English, French, German, Italian and Spanish.

Foreign Languages for Travelers. Select SPANISH and learn basic words and phrases. Other languages also available.

Foreign Language News and Magazines Page. The site features online newspapers and magazines in a variety of languages including Chinese, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Portuguese, Russian and Spanish.

Foreign Language Resources for Teachers and Students. Projects, links, and online homework help for Spanish, French and German.

Foreign Language Resources on the Web. Seeks to include only the best of the foreign language ("foreign" for native speakers of English) Web sites out of the many that exist.

Foreign Language Study Abroad for Teachers. Features directories and lists of foreign language study programs in various parts of the world for English speakers. The site also provides information about high school foreign exchange and language study programs for teens.

Free Online Language Courses. Word2Word provides links to online language courses. The courses vary in quality and the quantity of material presented. Please note that some of the courses may require your browser to have the ability to read the language being learned.

French Assistant.com. This site aims to help users learn French online. Learn and practice using an online random French language question generator and other online French lessons. All for free.

French Connection. The French Connection is a collection of Internet links to places and items of interest with a French theme. It is designed for students of French and for francophiles in general. The site includes information on the French government, Paris, the arts and sciences, travel, the French language, gastronomy and newspapers.

French Embassy in Washington Just For Kids. The site, appropriate for elementary and middle school students, contains seven sections: France at a Glance, History and Geography, Culture and Art, Economy, Life in France, Apprends le France and Jeux Games. Students studying French can practice their foreign language skill by reading articles from a French children's magazine with clickable words that display the English translation. Also included is an interview with the French ambassador and an audio clip of the French national anthem.

French Language Course. A French course, created by Jacques Léon, allows you to understand written French (newspapers, articles, magazines, signs on the road during your next trip in France, etc.) and to write a letter to a French friend or correspondent.

French Page. Presents a glimpse of French history and civilization with pictures and sounds produced by Michelle Caroly-Alter.

French Sites for Children and Adolscents. The sites features materials suitable for students ages 3-16.

German for Travelers.com. Click on Learn to study basic German and listen to hundreds of high quality audio files. Explanations, vocabulary lists and exercises are provided. Included are travel information and links to "all things German."

German Studies Trails on the Internet. Compiled by Andreas Lixl-Purcell, Professor of German at the University of North Carolina at Greensboro. Listed are some useful interdisciplinary German resources on the Web. Select from a variety of topics such as German Language & Culture (Sprache und Landeskunde), Arts & Humanities (Kunst und Wissenschaft) or Education & Research (Unterricht und Forschung).

Human Languages Page.Organized by language and devoted to bringing together information about the languages of the world. This site provides links to resources that range from dictionaries to language tutorials to spoken samples of languages. The site also includes references to foreign language software and on-line book and text collections.

Intercultural E-Mail Classroom Connections. The IECC (Intercultural E-Mail Classroom Connections) mailing lists are provided by St. Olaf College as a free service to help teachers and classes link with partners in other countries and cultures for e-mail classroom pen-pal and project exchanges.

International Language Development (I.L.D.). Provides interactive language lessons in several languages including Spanish. The first lesson is free; nine dollars to continue. Requires Real Audio.

Internet in the One Computer Classroom. With only one computer in a classroom the options are limited, but there are still a number of uses for the Internet. This site describes activities that can be performed with an Internet connection in the classroom or at another location. For many Internet activities, the connection can be made at a remote site and resources brought to and from the classroom.

Internet Resources for Language Teachers. Features links to a wide range of sites of interest to teachers of all foreign languages. These include email discussion lists and newsgroups, fonts, software, newspapers and periodicals and resources and materials for teaching and learning a variety of languages.

Irasshai, the Japanese Language and Culture Distance Learning Course Produced by Georgia Public Broadcasting, the site has a variety of links including language, media, education, travel information and much more.

Japanese Signs. This page is for students of the Japanese language who would like to know something about Japanese signs, billboards, plaques, banners, or any other such objects for displaying a message to the general public -- in pictures and words.

Japanese VAL Balloon. Learn Japanese online. Beginners and intermediate students are welcome. Students can download a Japanese font from this site.

Joy's Second Language Launch Pad. Provides resources for teachers and students which include lessons and syllabi, computer assisted language learning, mailing lists, links to research information and job opportunities.

Kokone. This Spanish-language kids' site is about Mexico's culture. El Tlacuache, an opossum-like creature, is the animated guide. Students will find games and riddles, a Latin American cooking section, an animals and eco-adventure section, a life through the eyes of the children of Mexico section, a literature section , and a historical section.

Language Connect. The site includes language links, multimedia software, and a Language Connect University, a 12-week virtual language school on the World Wide Web.

Language Index. Links to resources and information about a variety of languages which include Chinese, English, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Russian, Spanish and others.

Language Links. Includes a listing of multi-language sites and places of interest to instructors and learners. If you click on WWW: A New Approach to Pedagogy, you will find ideas for using the materials found in Language Links and on the World Wide Web in your language classes.

Language Quest Software. Features language software, specialized word processors, translators, programs for kids, and fonts for all languages of the world. The site provides an online catalog.

Language Resources on the WWW. The site, provided by Georgetown University, features links to: Resources by Language, Language & Culture, News & Media, Linguistics For Teachers, and Search Tools.

Latin Page (Salvete Ad Paginam Latinam). General classroom resources designed primarily for the Latin teacher in grades 7-12. Some projects may be adapted for the lower grades.

LatinTeach. The website includes archives of Latinteach discussions as well as teaching guides, lesson plan ideas and projects, links to websites owned by Latinteach participants, reviews of textbooks, and other material of interest to Latin teachers.

La Tuna. La Tuna is the home page of the Spanish university student organization of the same name dedicated to keeping alive the folk music and traditions inherited from the past. Choose selections from a menu that includes customs, period costumes, history, and songs. You can listen to these songs while reading the accompanying lyrics. An English version is available.

Learn Spanish. The page was created by Sarah and John of Lingolex, two teachers who live in Andalusia. Its contents include vocabulary lists and the 100 most frequently used verbs. The site also provides a Database of Links for Learning Spanish.

Learn Spanish: A Free Online Tutorial. It features an interactive online tutorial, java-based vocabulary games, lots of cultural notes, an extensive directory of language schools, and much more.

Learning Cantonese. An introduction to some everyday Cantonese terms.

Les Misérables The Complete Multilingual Libretto. Designed and maintained by Kelson Vibber, the site features French, German, and English lyrics for the entire musical.

Little Czech Primer in Pictures. A growing collection of simple Czech vocabulary words, illustrated to show their meaning.

'Más' arriba Home Page. Created by Gary D. Aitken, this is an electronic workbook designed to accompany the second edition of ¡Arriba! Comunicación y cultura (Prentice Hall). The exercise material of Más arriba can be adapted for use with other core textbooks.

Melibea. Revista de Cultura Hispana patrocinada por el Departamento Exterior del Centro de Estudios Postuniversitarios.

Mexican Educational System. A brief account of the present day system of education in Mexico.
Mexico for Kids. Written in French and Spanish as well as English for elementary school students, the site features a guide, El Balero, who takes youngsters on a tour of the geography, history, and government of Mexico.

Music in the Spanish-Speaking World. Links to sites containing lyrics and audio samples of traditional and modern music from the Latin-American countries and Spain.

National K-12 Foreign Language Resource Center. Located at Iowa State University, it is one of six Centers funded by the U.S. Department of Education and is committed to improving foreign language education in U.S. primary and secondary schools. The site includes information about Center institutes, workshops and projects, and provides links to useful foreign language Web resources.

North American Institute for Living Latin Studies (NAILLS).Teachers and students can find events, resources, news, and activities for those interested in actively speaking, writing, and reading Latin.

Ohio University CALL Lab. Offers Web resources for language learners and teachers. Select from among these menu items: News for world wide news sources, Projects for special projects by language learners and teachers, Teacher Resources for language teaching suggestions, and Et cetera for links to other resources of interest to teachers and students.

On-line Dictionaries. Links to more than 100 foreign-to-English dictionaries online from a site maintained by Robert Beard, Bucknell University.

Online Spanish Tutor. Bloomington (Indiana) High School North provides an online Spanish tutor at the basic and advanced levels.

Ontario Modern Language Teachers' Association. Among the information found at this site are Useful Links to Languages which contain lesson plans and classroom activities for teachers and students.

Resources for Students and Teachers of French as a Second Language. Provided by the University of Ottawa, the site features exercises and resources for students; resources for teachers; French in Canada, outside Quebec, in Quebec, and in France; Francophonie in the world, news and discussion groups and miscellaneous links.

Resources in Language Testing Page. The purpose of this site is to act as a reference guide to language testing related resources on the Internet. On this page you will find all the links which have been collected to date, and each one is reviewed in the Language Tester's Guide to Cyberspace.

Robert J. Shea's German Resources. The site includes news, information, culture, computer applications, and entertainment of value to teachers and students of German.

Romance Languages Resource Page. Funded by the Consortium for Language Teaching and Learning and the University of Chicago, the site is designed to bring together a wide variety of the available texts, news, images, information and other resources available through World Wide Web to render them both accessible and useful to foreign language teachers and their students.

Señora S's Spanish and World Culture Links. This site is a collection of resources for children, their parents and their teachers about Spanish and its many cultures.

Spanish Courses on the Internet. The site includes a Spanish course for beginners and 14 interactive Spanish grammar exercises.

The Spanish Language. Vocabulary lists organized by subject with an accompanying pronunciation key.

Spanish Language and Hispanic Cultures@Globe-Gate. Features Spanish-language listserves, search engines, maps, campus Spanish pages, professional organizations, grammars, on-line courses and lessons, dictionaries, newspapers, magazines, and radio/TV.

Spanish 101 on the WWW. Max Zuniga offers this site to all persons wishing to learn or improve their Spanish. Max offers a free, basic and informal SPANISH TUTORIAL on the Internet for beginners, medium and advanced learners. Because this is an informal course, you don't need to register. Also available is a CHAT ROOM and a POWWOW ROOM.

Spanish Verb Conjugator. Enter a verb and view all of its conjugations.

Taller hispano. Taller hispano, by Jean LeLoup, contains activity modules using authentic materials and Internet resources designed around themes such as the individual, the family, leisure activities and schools.

TeacherVision.com. Lesson plans and activities for ESL, French and Spanish classes.

Teaching with the Web. Prepared by Lauren Rosen, the site is a compilation of ideas for using WWW resources as a teaching tool as well as other links to sites that have pedogogical information.

Tecla. Tecla is an electronic magazine written for learners and teachers of Spanish by the Spanish Department at Birkbeck College, University of London. It appears weekly on the Web during the school year and consists of short readings followed by comprehension exercises.

Tennessee Bob's Famous French Links.Provides useful resources for teachers and students of French including Art and Special Image Exhibits, Literature and Music, Newspapers, Magazines and Newsgroups, and Audio-visual (Radio/TV,etc.).

Travelers' Japanese with Voice. Presented by Takada Toshihiro of the Information Science Research Lab at Japan's Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Corp., the site includes a pronunciation guide and essential expressions for getting around, eating, and shopping. Downloadable sound files are also included, if you have the necessary software to listen to them. You'll also need a World-Wide Web Japanese browser to read the kanji and kana characters.

Viajes de Descubrimiento. Over1500 links to such topics as arte, deportes, musica, historia, literatura in Spain, Mexico, Central America and South America. The site also includes scavenger hunts and word searches.

Webspañol . This site is a high-tech version of a Spanish class. It features information on free language learning software, a section of online tests based on translated Beatles song lyrics, a Spanish jokes section, verb tables, pronunciation guides, interactive sections where users can participate in an English-Spanish e-mail exchange program, and a message board to post questions or to chat in Spanish with native speakers.

Welcome to the Minitel Web. France Telecom Intelmatique presents Welcome to the Minitel Web where teachers of French can try Minitel for free. Select from among these links: General Information about Minitel, Becoming a Minitel User on Internet, Minitel Services Guide, and France Telecom Intelmatique French version available.

World Language Resource. This site provides links to sites available for learning a variety of foreign languages. There are links to dictionaries, foreign language newspapers, phrase books, and language lessons.

Yamada Language Guides. Provides information for 109 languages. In the Guides, you will find pointers to Language related web connections, and links to An Archive of non-English fonts, Language related news groups, and Language related mailing lists.

You Too Can Learn French. An online French course by Jacques Léon intended to allow you to understand written French (newspapers, articles, magazines, road signs, etc.) and to write letters.

You Too Can Learn Spanish. provides online Spanish lessons with accompanying sound clips developed by Tyler Jones. The lessons can be downloaded and printed out.

Zut! Zut! provides a comprehensive set of interactive activities for French teachers and students, featuring more than 400 exercises, over 100 of which have audio samples of native French speakers.


Source: http://www.csun.edu/~hcedu013/eslsp.html

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